Monday, October 25, 2010

Total Stress....finally revlieved!

Nights in Puerto Rico were no fun. Kaylee would wake up and just scream! During the day I had realized she was eating all the time and I couldn't get any milk at one point. I was worried that I was not producing enough. Wednesday when we were back I dropped in our pediatrician's office just to put her on the scale. My worst fears were confirmed. She had lost 5 oz in 2 weeks and was down to 12 lb 7 oz. I was stressed out now with that news. She won't take a bottle, so there was no way to even get formula in her. I started taking Fenugreek and drinking Mother's milk tea. We started her on rice cereal (I really did not want to do this until 6 months) on Friday. I took her back to the Dr's office Monday to put her on the scale heart sank, she had lost another 4 oz (12 lb 3 oz)! The nurse saw how distraught I was and found a way for me to meet with the PA at least. She checked Kaylee out and said she looks ok and gave me some advice on how to try to up my supply and get her to eat. She suggested using a SNS, which is essentially a tube I tape near my nipple and it supplies formula (since I get nothing when I pump) to her while I am nursing. One of my friends had one, so I borrowed that and added that to nap and nighttime feedings. It's a little annoying because Kaylee moves her hands all the time while nursing and was constantly pulling at it. I took her back one week later (this time we had an appointment) to weigh her again. I put her on the scale and saw 12 lb 3 oz and my heart sank, but then it kept calculating (or whatever it does) and it stopped at 12 lb 15 oz!!! WoooHoooo!! She put on 12 oz in one week. She's still not back up to 25% where she was at her 4 month appt, but we are on our way back up and that is all that matters!!

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