Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby Girl Roselli has arrived....

She was born at 12:51 on May 24, 2010. She was 7 lb 15 oz and 19 3/4 inches long. She has a FULL head of black hair and a nice set of lungs! In typical fashion, we did not have a name yet, BUT we had a list. Luckily this time we were more prepared and a nursing student who was observing took pictures for us. I was very nervous (as I knew I would be) When Lou was allowed to come in the OR, he held my hand and stroked my hair and told me all was going to be okay. With Kelsey they made him sit at first, but he got to watch the entire thing this time (no thank you). Dr. Dayton was very fast and our baby girl was out in no time. She was bigger than they thought she was going to be, as I had been measuring small the last 2 months. They brought her over to me twice while still in the OR...and I got to touch her and kiss her. These are things I didn't do with Kelsey because I didn't know what I was allowed to do and I was kinda out of it.

Here they are cutting the cord
Mom, Dad, & Kellie brought Kelsey to the hospital so she could see her new sister. She got to watch through the window as her baby sister got a bath and had all of her measurments taken. They then took her home for a nap, I didn't want her to see me until I was undrugged and up in my room.
Kelsey checking out her new sister (I made her shirt)
Holding daddy's hand
Daddy holding his new girl all bundled up
Kelsey touching her sister for the 1st time