Even though we went through potty training a long while ago, I'd say it has been off and on since a few weeks before Kaylee arrived. We think part of it was daddy traveling and then the new baby and just recently we don't know what happened. I decided to implement a reward system potty chart after a miserably horrible Saturday morning 2 weeks ago. Kelsey earns a star (or other sticker) for each day she has absolutely NO accidents. I found the stickers & calendar chart in a 2 pack at the dollar store. The goal is to earn 7 stickers in a row and then she would get to go to the store and pick out anything she wanted. She did good for 2 days, then had an accident on day 3. The next 7 days she had "Awesome successful" days. I have noticed a total difference in her. I don't fight her to go to the bathroom (except I do still make her sit on the potty before we get in the car), she just takes herself :-) The next treat is at 14 consecutive days. I really hope we are finishing the climb up this hill. Nighttime is another story as she is still soaked in the morning. I don't know when that's gonna stop so we can take away the "sleeping pants". Anyways, this is a positive post and I am not dwelling on the negative. I took Kelsey to Target yesterday and we went up and down the rows and she kept saying "mommy, I really want that" I kept a mental list and when we'd seen everything I retold her the items she had wanted and she said she wanted the princess. We went back to that row and I thought we were getting the single princess with a dress that was on sale :-). I was obviously wrong, b/c she kept saying "no mommy, I want THAT beauty and the beast. That one!" Pointing at the deluxe set that was almost twice the price....we did promise her ANYTHING she wanted, so I caved! She is so proud of herself and we are too!!
Our doctor said it's sometimes 4 or even 5 before they are dry all through the night. Oh, and Natalie took 9 months before she finally "clicked." She just decided one day, she wanted to be a "big girl" and poof, the fighting was done. Whew. We are definitely still in diapers for the night, and even sometimes during naps. If she naps for 1-2 hours, we don't put one on her. If she naps her usual 3 hours, we put one on her. She only naps that long at home though, not at daycare or preschool. Hopefully you guys have turned a corner!