Friday, June 11, 2010

Kaylee's 1st Boat Ride

The girls & I stayed the night at my parents house, we checked the tide chart the night before and it was a beautiful day. In the morning before we went out, I commented to mom that she had to go with us (she doesn't really ever go out on the boat). She thought she was going to stay at the house at watch Kaylee..I said no, Kaylee's coming on the boat and I need you to come make sure Kelsey doesn't fall overboard! Her love for Kelsey won out and she was a good sport and came on the boat. It was a nice ride, not too long, but long enough for Kelsey to enjoy and for Kaylee to fall asleep for part. The last picture of Kaylee shows her hair all wind blown at the end of the trip :-)

1 comment:

  1. I see Kelsey has moved up to Sean's Diego life jacket. :-)
